Track Your Vehicle
Secure Your Vehicle
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Track Your Vehicle is reinforcing transport in Punjab. We have various domains of Products and Services:
  • Vahan Approved Speed limiters
  • Retro-Reflective Tapes
  • AIS-140 IRNSS Govt. Approved GPS TRACKERS
  • Auto Dippers
  • Consultancy to ease your Transport Related Documentation
  • E-Rickshaws

Our GPS Tracker

Our GPS Tracker is a most customize and innovative GPS Tracking solution having a very good product quality strength.

Innovative Solution

Track Your Vehicle provide highly innovative GPS tracking solutions to track and monitor the vehicles.

Live Tracking

With the help of GPS Tracker, you can get live or real time location of your vehicle which is displayed on a map along with vehicle speed if the vehicle is moving.


The GPS Tracking devices provided by the Track Your Vehicle are highly accurate and provide highly accurate data of your vehicles location.

Highly customizable

The GPS tracker provided by the Track Your Vehicle are highly customizable which support their customer in very effective way by providing customization technology like GPS Antenna, GSM/ GPRS etc.

API Protocol

GPS Tracker assist our customers for Rest API and libariry files that makes it easier to develop a tracking software by providing all the basic blocks.

global presence

Track Your Vehicle provide our highly innovative and reliable GPS tracker can eaiosly implimented all over the world.

Tracking Software

we have an expertise in Software machine to machine progaming to establish communication between GPS tracker and software interface.

Dedicated support

our highly qualified team having many years expertise able to provide dedicated all kind of 24x7 support to our customers.

Our Works

Let's Start Tracking your Fleet ?

We are always here to secure your Vehicle by GPS Tracker.

GPS Tracker Powerful features

GPS trackers have many powerful features to find out details of any stop or moving object like long lat postion, running speed etc.

Real time tracking

Most GPS Trackers are enabled with real-time tracking or monitoring. With the help of GPS Tracker, you can get real time location of your vehicle which is displayed on a map along with vehicle speed if the vehicle is moving.

Anytime Anywhere Access

With Track Your Vehicle, it is very easy to access your vehicle anytime, anywhere. By a user-friendly app it keeps you update with your vehicles movement in real time no matter where you are.

SMS and Email Alerts

With GPS tracker, you can get all the alerts like over speeding alert, Stoppage Alert, Tampering Alert etc. in the form of SMS / Email Can be received from the GPS Tracker.

Stop your vehicle by SMS

GPS Tracker with their internal machine oprating process by which you can oprate your object with two way communication system. it's also use to stop vehicle by sms.

Speed monitor

With Track Your Vehicle, you can monitor the speed of your moving vehicle in a very effective and easy way.

Geo-fence and Landmarks

A Virtual Landmarks in terms of fencing can be created to and an alert is sent out every time the vehicle enters or exits the Geo fence.

Device Storage

GPS Tracker having their own internal storage system in case it has been lost gsm signal able to store gps tracking data it self can useable later by customer.

Easy Installation

The Installation of a GPS tracker requires just 30-40 minutes. Track Your Vehicle have standard technicians which are expert to maintain all kinds of vehicles to provide the best output through the Device.

Our Team

Track Your Vehicle having highly qualified and motivated team itself with a positive attitude. Our always support us to achieve organization vision.

Become A Partner

Get opportunity to work with india's Largest GPS Company.

+91 9417611247

About Track Your Vehicle
gps tracker, location tracker, vehicle tracker, gprs tracker

Track Your Vehicle is a venture providing various products and services that ensure Govt. compliance of all the commercial transport vehicles.

Find Us

Address :

Track Your Vehicle
SCO 155, Jansahayta Kendar, Mini Secteriat, Patiala, Punjab 147001

sales : +91- 9417611247
